Referral policy
In these referral conditions, “you” and “your” means the lead name (and authorised representative of the school/organisation, where applicable) and all persons named on the referral(including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date) and any one of them, as applicable.
The lead name shall be responsible for the administration and correspondence in regard to the referral and warrants that they are the parent or legal guardian (where applicable) and/or otherwise have the authority to make the referral (and any amendments and/or cancellations) on behalf of all the persons named on the referral (or the school, where applicable). The lead name shall be liable for:
the full payment of any deposits and balances; the payment of any amendment fees or cancellation charges; confirming all young people’s details to us; passing on to all persons in the referral of any and all information issued by us including, without limitation, our referral confirmation and these referral conditions; and the conduct of the persons in the referral
In making a referral with us, you are regarded as having read, understood and agreed to these referral conditions.
when you make your referral and placement allocated, you must pay the non-refundable deposits (and final balance payments) for each referral as set out below:
Initial Deposit, being the cost of one full session of the workshop chosen, payable will be accepted immediately but must be within 14 Days after referral
Final Balance being the termly booking costs or remainder of session within the term, with payment payable 4 weeks before the young person’s start date
Your provisional place is confirmed and a contract between us exists when we issue a provisional placement confirmation to you. Your provisional placement will state when your initial Deposit is due, Your placement will be confirmed again when your deposit and final balance is paid .
Please check your confirmation invoice carefully and advise us immediately of any incorrect or incomplete information.
If you make a referral with us within 4 weeks of the young person's start date, the full balance will be payable at the time of making your referral.
If the initial Deposit, or final balance payments are not paid on time, we reserve the right to cancel your referral and retain the Deposit.
Schools/agencies may transfer there place to an alternative young person with a minimal admin fee of £25